The Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (ATCM) has become one of the founder members of the Integrated Healthcare Collaborative (IHC), which is a collection of leading organisations within complementary, traditional and natural healthcare.
The IHC was formed following a recommendation in a report by the former All-Party Parliamentary Group for Integrated Healthcare entitled ‘Integrated Healthcare: putting the pieces together’. It said that “professional associations representing complementary, traditional and natural healthcare should work more closely together on common issues, to share knowledge and experience. A formal collaborative should be established which brings together major associations to take the field forward collectively.” This builds on over 30 years of work and collaboration between the former All-Party Parliamentary Group for Integrated Healthcare and organisations in the field.
The aim of the new group is to bring together leading professional associations and stakeholders within complementary, traditional and natural healthcare, and work on common areas of interest. IHC members believe that an integrated healthcare service would improve patient experiences, bring about better patient outcomes, and provide a framework for a more cost-effective delivery of healthcare services
ATCM’s membership of this new group shows our commitment to working collectively with other key organisations to increase access to Traditional Chinese Medicine and other therapies, promote greater integration with conventional Western medicine, and improve patient outcomes.
For more information about the IHC and the ATCM, please see and