- Arthritis & Joint Pain
- Back Pain
- Female Fertility & IVF
- Gastrointestinal Disorders & Colitis
- Depression & Anxiety
Dr Menendez has an extensive background in medicine and scientific research and has been practicing several types of complementary medicine with great success for many years. She successfully holds a BSc Honours in Acupuncture, Diploma in Chinese Medicine at Shulan’s College of Chinese Medicine, MSc by Research in Cryopreservation, MSc by Research in Oncology and PhD in Biological Sciences.
She has now set up a clinic in Altrincham, Greater Manchester where she offers herbal Chinese Medicine and Low-Level-Laser Acupuncture (cold laser or photobiomodulation) treatments suitable for children from 1 year old to adults of any age.
Dr Menendez is experienced in treating many common conditions which vary in intensity from mild to chronic. However, she specialises in treatment for side effects of chemo and radiotherapy, nausea, anxiety, depression, stress, migraine, headaches, low back pain, asthma and arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders and colitis.
Laser treatments have shown to be helpful for motor neurone disease and skin conditions.