Mrs Yeon-Jung KIM, Master Degree in Oriental Medicine

Membership number: CB0240017

Flat 57
Amphion Place
Rosalind Drive
ME14 2FN

Tel: 07501 468 318




Mrs. Yeon Jung Kim was educated at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, New York USA and graduated with Masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine (MSTOM).  She started her over 10 years TCM career from 2011 when she worked for several medical clinics in New Jersey; Clifton Sports Medicine LLC, Genesis Chiropractic PC, Pain Clinic at Dr. Park Hong Sik, Tao Acupuncture, Paramus Medical & Sports Rehab Center and her own private clinic in New York.  She treated private patients as self employed in Germany and is now residing in Kent, UK and treating her private patients at home.  She takes regular CEU and CPD courses both online and on-site, mainly at Guy’s Hospital in London.

Mrs. Yeon Kim is an experienced TCM practitioner with significant experiences in treatment of various pain conditions, such as headache, migraine, neck and shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain, allergies, emotional distress eg. Anxiety, depression, insomnia, digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, IBS.

Mrs. Kim is also a member of NCCAOM and holds a state acupuncture license in New York and New Jersey, USA.




2007-2011  Master’s Degree at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, MSTOM
                                                                                                                                                                New York, USA

1994-1999  Bachelor of Art, Major in French Literature, Minor in Business Administration
                         Yonsei University,                                                                                                       Seoul, Korea

2010-present   TCM experience over 10 years in USA, Germany and UK

1999-present   Other professional experiences: Financial Accountant at PwC, FBW LLP, Credit Suisse LLC, Arrow Electronics Ltd., MicroStrategy Ltd. in Korea, USA, Germany, UK



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